Gudrās Pūces Mācību Banka - neparasta krājkase bērniem - Wise Owl Teaching Bank | kods LER 9582 | bērniem 3-8g.
Šī draudzīgā Pūcīte palīdz jau no mazotnes apgūt finanšu prasmes, jo bērni paši izlemj vai tērēt, taupīt, vai dalīties ar saviem centiem. Izturīgajā Pūces krājkasē ir atsevišķi nodalījumi.
Nav izlemts ? Iemetiet monētu augšējā slotā un ļaujiet Pūcei izlemt, kur tai nonākt.
Wise Owl Teaching bank mudinās bērnus jau no mazotnes domāt par savu naudu.
Veiciniet sociālo labklājību lietojot "koplietošanas nodalījumu". Izmantojiet to labdarības ziedojumiem, cilvēkiem, kuriem nepieciešama palīdzība.
Paplašiniet mācīšanos mudinot bērnus saskaitīt savus centus.
Gudrās Pūces Mācību Bankas izmēri ir 2,5 cm x 21 cm H x 7cm
Mācies spēlējoties :)
This friendly owl will provide an early introduction to financial awareness as young learners decide whether to spend, save or share their pennies.
- The Wise Owl Teaching Bank will encourage children to think about their money from an early age
- Encourage social wellbeing with the "share" compartment. Use it for charity donations, people in need or local services
- Sturdy, plastic owl features separate, see-through compartments for savings, spends and money to share
- Children need to decide whether they want to save their money, spend their money or share their money before putting it in the Teaching Bank
- Undecided? Drop the coin into the top slot and let the owl decide where to put it
- Extend the learning and encourage children to count their pennies as they pop their coins into the Teaching Bank, in turn reinforcing coin value recognition
- Compartments are removeable to allow for accurate counting of money and reallocation of funds
- Wise Owl Teaching Bank measures 22.5cm W x 21cm H x 7cm D
- Features multilingual packaging and activity guide
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