Cik ir pulkstenis ? - viegli apgūt - Inovatīvais 24 stundu mācību pulkstenis - 24-Hour Number Line Clock | kods 92290 | bērniem 5-9g.
Inovatīvais 24 stundu mācību pulktenis - 24-Hour Number Line Clock no Learning Resources | hand2mind | Anglija
Cik ir pulkstenis? Bērni bieži vaicā, grib zināt :)
24-Hour Number Line Clock no "Learning Resources" ir lielisks palīgs, mācību līdzeklis!
Šī rotaļlieta ieguvusi prestižo "London Toy Fair Hero Toy Award" 2020. gada balvu.
Inovatīvais 24 stundu ciparu līnijas mācību pulkstenis palīdz bērniem vienkārši iemācīties laiku.
Tas ir praktisks līdzeklis sākot no skaitīšanas līdz laika noteikšanai.
Numura līnijas pulkstenis kas izstrādāts sadarbībā ar vecākiem un skolotājiem.
12cm H x 11cm W.
Ļoti vērtīga rotaļlieta par un ap laiku.
Mācies spēlējoties :) Mācies ar prieku :)
Kā lietot .. viegli mācīties ..
A clock is just a circular number line. Once children understand this,
learning to tell the time becomes easier. The innovative 24-Hour Number
Line Clock teaching clock helps children learn time by physically
transforming a number line onto a clock face. It’s the hands-on way to
go from counting to telling the time.
- A hands-on teaching clock that lets students explore time and see for themselves how telling time on a clock is just like using a number line.
- Durable plastic teaching clock comprises a base, removable clock face number lines and removable hands (red for hour and blue for minute).
- Number line clock faces comprise hour face numbered 1-12, hour face featuring both 12- and 24-hour numerals, and minute face numbered in five-minute intervals from 0-60.
- To use, children physically convert the hour and minute number lines into a round clock face and place those on the clock base. This visual and physical representation of time helps them understand telling time.
- Also available as a Magnetic Demonstration Set for teaching.
- This innovative learning clock comes with a Getting Started activity guide and four activities.
- Single student clock measures 12cm H x 11cm W.
- Features multilingual packaging and guide.
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